Subscription boxes just got a whole lot smarter
Learning Differently
Learning never stops, that's why our subscription program provides customized creative learning in one convenient box, delivered on a frequency to meet your family’s needs
Creative Experiences
Hands-on learning tailored for your child’s age and development. Catering to the most important developmental years of your child’s life
Quality Time
Say goodbye to parent guilt and hello to quality moments connecting. Each box arms you with ideas and inspiration to play an active role in your child’s growth while getting them excited about learning and discovery.
Out-of-the-box thinking, that fits conveniently inside a box. We provide everything you need to complete each activity - so it’s fun for everyone. Plus you're always in control with our skip, swap or cancel anytime no commitment subscription plan policy.

Take the quiz to find out which subscription is best for you

Subscription boxes just got a whole lot smarter
Learning Differently
Learning never stops, that's why our subscription program provides customized creative learning in one convenient box, delivered on a frequency to meet your family’s needs
Creative Experiences
Hands-on learning tailored for your child’s age and development. Catering to the most important developmental years of your child’s life
Quality Time
Say goodbye to parent guilt and hello to quality moments connecting. Each box arms you with ideas and inspiration to play an active role in your child’s growth while getting them excited about learning and discovery.
Out-of-the-box thinking, that fits conveniently inside a box. We provide everything you need to complete each activity - so it’s fun for everyone. Plus you're always in control with our skip, swap or cancel anytime no commitment subscription plan policy.

Take the quiz to find out which subscription is best for you

A box for every age

Catering for the most important developmental years in a child's life My Creative Box has a subscription box plan in the following age ranges:

Mini Explorers

2-4 Years

See Inside

Little Learners

4-7 Years

See Inside

Big Creatives

8-10 Years

See Inside

2-4 Years

Mini Explorers

What's Inside

Brush, paint and glue set with creative materials for up 3 activities in the small Eco Creative Box format or up to 6 activities for the large Complete Creative Box

Inspiring Creative Minds

Helping establish creative experiences to support development in the crucial early years of brain development.

Making Learning Fun

Explore through art, craft and more as we develop fine motor, gross motor, sensory, social and emotional skills.


4-7 Years

Little Learners

Hands-on Fun

All the materials you need for up to 5 STEAM activities to encourage engaging and entertaining creative learning

Creative Guide

Easy-to-follow photo instructions, parenting tips and creative content to compliment the experience

Extending Creativity

Digital learning products to print and create at home for on-going fun and adventure


8-10 Years

Big Creatives

Hands-on Fun

All the materials you need for your STEAM projects, giving kids diverse topics to extend their learning

Creative Content Guide

Easy-to-follow photo instructions, facts and creative content to compliment the experience

STEAM Learning

Create and develop with STEAM activities covering topics including science, technology, engineering, art and maths

From our subscribers
“Developmentally recommended by a teacher. I am a teacher with bachelor qualifications and I recommend this subscription. It is really unique! Great for development, time saver and perfectly organised in individual sleeves! I like the variety and the different ideas. The theme varieties are really fun as well. They are great for the recommended age groups. Love it!”
"Such an amazing program. We love the boxes and look forward to them each month.They're always filled with such creative and engaging activities. I'm an early childhood educator and I absolutely love the experiences. My son has been receiving these for over a year now and at the age of 3 is still interested as ever"
From our subscribers
“Developmentally recommended by a teacher. I am a teacher with bachelor qualifications and I recommend this subscription. It is really unique! Great for development, time saver and perfectly organised in individual sleeves! I like the variety and the different ideas. The theme varieties are really fun as well. They are great for the recommended age groups. Love it!”
"Such an amazing program. We love the boxes and look forward to them each month.They're always filled with such creative and engaging activities. I'm an early childhood educator and I absolutely love the experiences. My son has been receiving these for over a year now and at the age of 3 is still interested as ever"
