Mini Explorers 2 to 4 years

Ignite a life-long love of learning, the fun way

The Mini Explorers toddler Creative Box is all about expanding little imaginations through creative activities as well as ticking all the learning outcome boxes when it comes to art, science, math and more. Each toy craft kit comes packed with everything you need to complete each activity along with detailed, easy to follow instructions so you can spend less time planning and more time creating and playing with your child

Mini Explorers | 2 to 4 years


Mini Explorers | 2 to 4 years


Mini Explorers | 2 to 4 years

Coming Soon

Mini Explorers | 2 to 4 years


Art & Craft Kits


Art & Craft Kits


Art & Craft Kits

Art & Craft Kits

Toy Craft Kits for Toddlers

Our toy craft kits for toddlers will inspire a love of learning and support the most crucial period of children's brain development. Learning hands on, engaging in pretend play and connecting with loved ones throughout the process are key ingredients we design into all of our creative box toy craft kits. From pretend play, sensory processing, cognition and social plus emotional skills, My Creative Box designs with your child's development and goals in mind.
