Halloween activities you can do at home!
(Plus FREE Spooky Halloween Learning Printables!)
The spooookiest time of the year is here! Halloween is a perfect time to get crafty with some fun activities you can do in your home! Make your way down the page and find a link to some FREE Halloween printable activities.

Halloween Oobleck
Create a super easy sensory play activity using only 3 ingredients that you can find at home! Click the link above for instructions.

Halloween Science: Static Electricity Ghosts
Make some little ghosts and use static electricity to make them move!

Dancing Worms
Dancing worms, watch this cool chemical reaction that makes the gummy worms wiggle! A fun Halloween science experiment with little preparation to try!

Spider Process Art
Use any paints you have around the house with a cardboard roll to create this fun and simple spider craft!

Halloween Witches Hats
This Halloween, go a little crazy and make fun snacks for the trick or treaters in your neighbourhood. These witches hats are easy to make and they're full of surprises! Fill them up with your favourite little sweets and watch their faces when they discover what's inside

Apple Stamping Pumpkin Craft
Apple stamping pumpkins A great activity for all ages with materials you will have at home!

Trick or Treat Ideas

Create a Halloween chute so you can send treats to children directly landing into their bucket or bag! Have some fun and keep your treat-giving contactless!
Treat Garden stakes created by taping the treats to skewers and sticking them into the grass with a sign to only take one!

If you have two posts, tie some string between them and use pegs to hang treats for trick-or-treaters to reach up and take!
Avoid bowls this Halloween! Create a lollipop wall so trick-or-treaters only touch the treat they take.